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Summer Internship Program
The San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office offers an annual 12-week Summer Internship Program. Participants perform administrative functions such as answering telephones, preparing correspondence, data entry, and scanning and filing documents. Interns work in various areas of the Sheriff’s Office including Patrol Bureaus, Professional Standards, Criminal Records, Property, Payroll, and Court Security/Transportation.
To qualify for this highly competitive opportunity, candidates must:
Submit a resume and cover letter when the recruitment opens
Be eligible to work in the United States
Possess a high school diploma or educational equivalent
Be pursuing an education or career in the field of law enforcement
Successfully pass a thorough background investigation prior to employment
If you have questions or would like to be considered for this opportunity, please contact the Recruitment Team.

Forensic Laboratory Internships

The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office Forensic Laboratory offers two types of internships. Both internships are geared towards college students or college graduates.
The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office Forensic Laboratory offers a Forensic Biology Internship. This internship serves the Forensic Biology/DNA Unit of the laboratory and accepts applicants on an annual basis. It is preferred that applicants to the Forensic Biology Internship have some college coursework in Biology, Chemistry, or Forensic Science. This program also requires a minimum of a one year commitment of 16 hours per week, but starts with a 6 week training period of approximately 40 hours per week. Each selected candidate must pass a background check in order to be considered for the program.
This program prepares interns to perform basic laboratory duties such as preparing reagents and assisting with laboratory maintenance. Additionally, interns will be trained in the screening of evidence for the presence of biological fluids. Upon successful completion of the program, the interns will be qualified to process evidence for the presence of biological fluids, and may be trained in DNA quantitation or other areas of Forensic Biology as well.
Several reading assignments, oral presentations, laboratory practicals, and mock trials must be successfully completed in order to become qualified and to begin casework under the supervision of a qualified analyst.
If you would like to be considered for the Forensic Biology Internship, please submit the application materials to:
San Mateo County Sheriff's Office Forensic Laboratory
50 Tower Road
San Mateo, CA 94402
Attn: Alice Hilker, Supervising Criminalist
The San Mateo County Sheriff's Office Forensic Laboratory offers an internship program specific to the Latent Print Section. The Latent Print Processing Technician Program accepts applicants on an annual basis; however, the program requires a minimum of a year commitment at 16 hours/week and each selected candidate must pass a background check to be considered for the program.
This program covers several modules such as:
Orientation (Laboratory; Lab Sections; Safety; Bloodborne Pathogen,...)
the History of Fingerprints
the Physiology of Friction Ridge Formation
Processing Techniques
Fingerprints and the Law
Digital Imaging Techniques
Note Taking and Report Writing
Supervised Casework.
Several reading assignments, papers, oral and written tests, practical tests, and mock trials must be successfully completed in order to begin the supervised casework portion. Upon successful completion of the program the technician will be qualified to process evidence for the presence of latent impressions.
If you would like to be considered for the Latent Print Processing Technician Program, please submit the application materials to:
San Mateo County Sheriff's Office Forensic Laboratory
50 Tower Road
San Mateo, CA 94402
Attn: Sally Jones, Supervising Criminalist

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